Κων/νος Αντ. Μπελιμπασάκης, Καθηγητής, Τομ. Ναυτικής και Θαλάσσιας
Υδροδυναμικής ΣΝΜΜ-ΕΜΠ
Kostas A. Belibassakis, Professor, School of Naval Architecture
& Marine
Email: kbel@fluid.mech.ntua.gr
1992 Διδακτορικό
Δίπλωμα, Τμήμα Ναυπηγών Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ
PhD, same Department/University
Έρευνας: Κυματικά φαινόμενα στο θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον (κυματισμοί
βαρύτητας και ακουστικά κύματα,
διάδοση-σκέδαση σε περιβάλλον
μεταβαλλομένων παραμέτρων)
Αλληλεπίδραση κυματισμών και σωμάτων (πλωτών,
βυθισμένων, απολύτως στερεών ή ελαστικών)
σε γενική βαθυμετρία
Ροές με στροβιλότητα, Ροές με άνωση, Θεωρία
Στατιστική περιγραφή
θαλασσίου κλίματος και κυματικού δυναμικού
Research interests: Wave phenomena in the sea: surface
gravity waves and acoustic waves (ocean
Propagation models in
inhomogeneous environment
Ship and marine hydrodynamics, free surface
hydrodynamics, wave-body-seabed interaction
flows, Marine propellers
climate and energy potential (statistical) description
α. Δημοσιεύσεις σε
Διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά (JOURNAL PAPERS)
Athanassoulis, G.A., Skarsoulis, E.K.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 1994, Bivariate Distributions with Given Marginals with an
Application to Wave Climate Description, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.16, pp. 1-17.
Belibasakis, K.A., Politis G.K., 1995, A Boundary
Integral Equation Formulation
of the Neumann
Problem for a Vector Field in R3 with Application to Potential Lifting Flows, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
Vol.16, pp.5-17.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, Κ.Α., 1997, All-frequency
normal-mode solution of the 3D acoustic scattering from a vertical cylinder in
a plane horizontal
waveguide, Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 101, pp. 3371-3384.
Loukakis, Th, Bardis, L.,.., Belibassakis, K., et al, 1997, A
computer aided ship design system, Techn. Chron.
Sci. J., TCG, Vol. 17, No.1.
Belibasakis, K.A. Politis, G.K., 1998, A Non-Linear
Velocity Based Boundary
Element Method for
the Analysis of Marine Propellers in Unsteady Flow, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 45, pp. 93-133.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 1999, A consistent coupled-mode
theory for the propagation of small-amplitude water waves over variable
bathymetry regions, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, Vol 389, pp275-301.
Belibassakis, K.A., 2000, The
Green’s function of the mild-slope equation, Wave Motion, Vol.32, pp. 339-361.
Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis,
G.A., Gerostathis, Th., 2001, A coupled-mode
system for the refraction-diffraction of linear waves over steep three
dimensional topography, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.
23, pp. 319-336.
Belibassakis, K.A., Politis
G.K., 2002, Analysis of unsteady propeller performance by
a surface vorticity panel method, Schiffstechnik-Ship
Technology Research, Vol. 49, pp.13-21.
10. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, Th., 2002, The POSEIDON nearshore wave model and its application to
the prediction of the wave conditions in the nearshore/coastal region of the
Greek Seas, Global Athmosphere and Ocean System (GAOS),
Vol 8 (2-3), 101-117.
11. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2002, Extension of second-order Stokes theory to variable
bathymetry, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, Vol. 464, pp. 35-80.
12. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2002, Probabilistic description of
metocean parameters by means of kernel density models.
Part 1: Theoretical background and first results, Applied Ocean Res., Vol.
24, pp.1-20.
13. Belibassakis, K.A.,
2003, A coupled-mode technique for the transformation
of ship-generated waves
over variable bathymetry regions, Applied Ocean Research,
Vol. 25, pp.321-336.
14. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2004, Three-dimensional Green's function of harmonic water-waves over a
bottom topography with
different depths at infinity, Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 510, pp.267-302.
15. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2005, A coupled-mode model
for the hydroelastic analysis
of large floating
bodies over variable
bathymetry regions, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics Vol. 531, pp.221-249.
16. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2006, A coupled-mode technique for
weakly non-linear wave interaction with large floating structures lying over
variable bathymetry regions Applied Ocean Research Vol.28,
17. Magne, R., Belibassakis, K., Herbers, T., Ardhuin, F.,
O'Reilly, Rey, V. 2007, Evolution of surface
gravity waves over a submarine canyon, Journal
of Geographical Research (JGR Oceans), Vol.112, C01002,
18. Belibassakis, K.A.,
2007, A coupled-mode
model for the scattering of water waves by shearing currents in variable
bathymetry, J. Fluid Mech. Vol.
578, 413-434.
19. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2007, A coupled-mode method for
non-linear water waves in general bathymetry
with application to steady travelling solutions in constant, but
arbitrary, depth, Journal Discrete
and Continuous Dynamical Systems DCDS-B, pp. 75-84 (special volume of
selected papers from 6th Int. Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential
Equations, Poitiers Meeting, June 25-28, 2006).
20. Gerostathis, Th., Politis,
K., Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis, G.Α., 2007, A Wavelet Galerkin technique for the wave-current-seabed interaction
in variable bathymetry regions, Bulletin
of the Greek Mathematical Society, Vol.54, 167-178.
21. Cavaleri, L, et al (2007), Wave modeling – State of the art, Progress in Oceanography, Vol. 75, 603-674.
22. Gerostathis, T., Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis, G.A., 2008, A
coupled-mode model for the transformation of wave spectrum over steep 3d
topography. A Parallel-Architecture
Implementation, Journal of Offshore Mechanics
and Arctic Engineering, JOMAE, Vol.130
23. Ardhuin, F., Rascle,
N., Belibassakis, K.A., 2008, Explicit
wave-averaged primitive equations using a Generalized Lagrangian
Mean, Journal of Ocean Modelling, Vol.20, 35-60.
24. Ardhuin, F., Jenkins, A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2008, Commentary on `The Three-Dimensional Current and Surface
Wave Equations' by George Mellor, Journal of Physical Oceanography-JPO, Volume 38(6), pp. 1340–1350.
25. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Mitsoudis, D.A., Kampanis, N.A., Dougalis, V.A.,
2008, Coupled-mode and finite-element solutions of
underwater sound propagation problems in stratified acoustic environments,
2008, Journal of Computational Acoustics
– JCA, Vol.16(1), pp.83-116.
26. Belibassakis, K.A., 2008, A boundary element method for the hydrodynamic analysis
of floating bodies in general
bathymetry regions, Engineering
Analysis with Boundary Elements, 32 (2008), pp. 796-810.
27. Prospathopoulos, A. M., Athanassoulis,
G.A., Belibassakis, K.A., 2009, Three-dimensional acoustic field computations for
scattering from a
radially-layered cylindrical obstacle in an ocean waveguide: Low-frequency results, J. of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 319,
28. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2009, A novel coupled-mode theory
with application to hydroelastic analysis of thick,
non-uniform floating bodies over general bathymetry, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment,Vol.223, pp.419-437.
29. Belibassakis, K.A., 2010, Roll response of ship-hull sections in variable
bathymetry regions by a hybrid BEM - vortex particle method, Journal of
Hydrodynamics Ser. B, Volume 22, Issue 5, Supplement 1, October 2010, Pages
413-418 (selected papers
from 9th Intern. Conference on
Hydrodynamics, ICHD 2010,
30. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2011, A coupled-mode system with application
to nonlinear water waves
propagating in finite water depth and in variable bathymetry
regions, Coastal Engineering Vol. 58, pp.337-350.
31. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Gerostathis, Th., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2011, A coupled-mode model for water wave
scattering by
horizontal, non-homogeneous current in general bottom topography,
Applied Ocean Research, Vol.33, pp. 384– 397
32. Belibassakis, 2012,
Water-wave induced groundwater pressure and flow in
variable bathymetry regions and sandy beaches by an enhanced coupled-mode model, Ocean
Engineering Vol. 47, pp. 104–118.
33. Belibassakis K.A., Gerostathis, Th.P,
Kostas K.V., Politis C.G., Kaklis
P.D., Ginnis A.I., Feurer
C., 2013, A BEM-isogeometric
method for the ship wave-resistance problem, Ocean Engineering Vol. 60, pp. 53–67.
34. Belibassakis K.A., Politis G.K., 2013,
Hydrodynamic performance of flapping wings for augmenting ship
propulsion in waves, Ocean
Engineering Vol.72, pp.227-240.
35. Belibassakis, Κ.Α., Tsoukala
VK., Katsardi V., 2014, Three dimensional wave
diffraction in the vicinity of openings
in coastal structures, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.45, 40-54
36. Filippas, E., Belibassakis
K.A., 2014, Hydrodynamic analysis of flapping-foil
thrusters operating beneath the free surface and in waves, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.41, 47-59.
37. Diakaki Chr., Panagiotidou
N., Pouliezos A., Kontes G,
Stavrakakis G., Belibassakis K., Gerostathis
Th., Livanos G., Pagonis D.-N., Theotokatos
G., 2015, A decision support system for the development
of voyage and maintenance plans for ships, Inter. Journal of Decision Support Systems (InterScience
Publishers), Vol.1(1), 42-71.
38. Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis G.A., Papathanassiou T.K., Filopoulos, S.P., Markolefas S., 2014, Acoustic
wave propagation in inhomogeneous, layered waveguides based on modal expansions
and hp-FEM, Wave Motion, Vol. 51, 1021-1043.
39. Papathanasiou T.K., Belibassakis
K.A., 2014, Hydroelastic analysis of
VLFS based on a consistent coupled mode system and FEM, The IES Journal Part A: Civil &
Structural Engineering, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 7, No. 3, 195-206.
40. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Athanassoulis, G.A., Gerostathis,
Th., 2014, Directional wave spectrum transformation in the
presence of strong depth and current inhomogeneities by means of coupled-mode
model, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 87, 84–96.
41. Ginnis
A.I., Kostas K.V., Politis C.G., Kaklis
P.D., Belibassakis K.A., Gerostathis, Th.P, Scott M.A., Hughes T.J.R., 2014, Isogeometric
boundary-element analysis for the wave-resistance problem using T-splines,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, Vol.279, 425-439.
42. Tsoukala
VK., Katsardi V., Belibassakis, Κ.Α., 2014, Wave transformation through flushing culverts operating
at seawater level in coastal structures
Ocean Engineering Vol.89, 211–229.
43. Papathanasiou
T. K., Karperaki A., Theotokoglou
E.E., Belibassakis K.A., 2015, A higher order FEM
for time-domain hydroelastic analysis of large
floating bodies in inhomogeneous shallow water environment, A Vol. 471: 20140643.
Belibassakis K.A., Filippas, E., 2015, Ship
propulsion in waves by actively controlled flapping foils, Applied Ocean Research Vol. 52, 1–11
45. Papathanasiou
T.K., Karperaki A.,Theotokoglou
E.E., Belibassakis K.A., 2015, Hydroelastic analysis of ice
shelves under long wave excitation, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Vol.15, 1851–1857.
46. Tsoukala,
V., Chondros, M.,…, Belibassakis, K.A., Makropoulos, Ch., 2016, An integrated wave
modelling framework for extreme and rare events for climate change in coastal
areas – the case of Rethymno-Crete, Oceanologia Vol. 58, 71-89.
47. Gerostathis
Th., Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis G.A., 2016, 3D hydroelastic analysis of
very large floating bodies over variable bathymetry regions, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy Vol.2, 159-175.
48. Karperaki
A., Belibassakis K.A., Papathanasiou T. K., 2016, Time-domain, shallow-water hydroelastic
analysis of VLFS elastically connected to the seabed, Marine Structures Vol. 48,
49. Touboul
J., Charland
J., Rey V., Belibassakis K., 2016, Extended
Mild-Slope equation for surface waves interacting with a vertically sheared
current Coastal Engineering Vol. 116,
50. Makris Ch., Galiatsatou P., …., Belibassakis Κ., Rusu E., 2016, Climate change effects on the marine
characteristics of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, Ocean Dynamics, DOI10.1007/s10236-016-1008-1.
51. Belibassakis K.A., Karathanassi F.E., 2017,
Modelling nearshore hydrodynamics and circulation under the impact of
high waves at the coast of Varkiza in
52. Belibassakis K.A., Simon B., Touboul J., Rey V., 2017, A coupled-mode model for water
wave scattering by vertically sheared currents in variable bathymetry
regions, Wave Motion Vol.74, 73-92.
53. Athanassoulis,
G.A., Belibassakis, K.A., Papoutsellis, Ch, 2017, An
exact Hamiltonian coupled-mode system with application to extreme design waves
over variable bathymetry, to appear in special issue on Rogue Waves, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine
Energy Vol. 3(4) 373–383.
54. Ardhuin F, Rascle N, Belibassakis KA, 2017, Corrigenda of ‘explicit
wave-averaged primitive equations using a generalized Lagrangian
Mean, Ocean Modelling Vol. 113,
55. Filippas E.S., Gerostathis Th.P., Belibassakis K.A., 2018, Semi-activated oscillating
hydrofoil as a nearshore biomimetic
energy system in waves and currents, Ocean Engineering Vol.154, 396–415.
56. Rey V., Arnaud G., Touboul J., Belibassakis K. 2018, Water wave scattering by
dense or sparse arrays of surface-piercing bodies by integral matching method, Applied Ocean Research Vol.75, pp.132-142.
57. Belibassakis K., Arnaud G., Rey V., Touboul
J., 2018, Propagation and scattering of waves by dense arrays of impenetrable
cylinders in a waveguide, Wave Motion Vol.
80, 1-19.
58. Priovolos
A., Filippas E., Belibassakis K., 2018, A
vortex-based method for improved flexible flapping-foil thruster performance, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Vol.95,
59. Belibassakis K., Bonovas M., Rusu E., 2018, A Novel Method for Estimating
Wave Energy Converter Performance in Variable Bathymetry Regions and Applications, Energies 2018, 11(8), 2092; https://doi.org/10.3390/en11082092
60. Papathanasiou T.K.,
Belibassakis K.A., 2018, Resonances of enclosed shallow water basins with
slender floating elastic bodies, Journal
of Fluids and Structures Vol.82, 538-558.
61. Papathanasiou T.K., Karperaki
A., Belibassakis K.A., 2018, On the
resonant hydroelastic behaviour of ice shelves, Ocean Modelling, Vol.133, 11-26.
62. Karathanasi F.E., Belibassakis K.A., 2019, A
cost-effective method for estimating long-term effects of waves on beach erosion with application to Sitia bay, Crete, Oceanologia, Vol. 61, Issue 2, 276-290
63. Belibassakis K., Touboul
J., Laffitte
E., Rey V., 2019, A mild-slope system for Bragg
scattering of water waves by sinusoidal bathymetry in the presence of
vertically sheared currents, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, Vol.7(1), 9; https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/7/1/9
64. Karperaki A., Papathanasiou
T.K., Belibassakis K.A., 2019, An
optimized, parameter-free PML-FEM for wave scattering problems in the ocean and
coastal environment, Ocean Engineering, Vol.
179 pp. 307 – 324.
65. Belibassakis K., Touboul
J., 2019, A Nonlinear
Coupled-Mode Model for Waves Propagating in Vertically Sheared Currents in Variable Bathymetry, SI Nonlinear Wave Hydrodynamics, MDPI Fluids,
66. Bonovas M., Belibassakis
K., Rusu E., 2019, Multi-DOF
WEC Performance in Variable Bathymetry Regions Using a Hybrid 3D BEM and
Optimization, Energies 2019,
12(11), 2108; https://doi.org/10.3390/en12112108
67. Papathanasiou T.K., Belibassakis K.A., 2019, A
nonconforming hydroelastic triangle for ice shelf
modal analysis, Journal of Fluids and
Structures 91 (2019) 102741.
68. Touboul J., Belibassakis
K.A., 2019, A novel method for water waves
propagating in the presence of vortical mean flows
over variable bathymetry, Journal of
Ocean Engin and Marine Energy.
70. Anevlavi
D.E., Filippas E.S., Karperaki A., Belibassakis K.A., 2020, A
Non-Linear BEM–FEM Coupled Scheme for the Performance of Flexible Flapping-Foil
Thrusters, J. Mar.
Sci. Eng. 2020, 8(1), 56.
71. Karathanasi F., Soukissian T., Belibassakis K.A.,
2020, Directional Extreme Value Models
in Wave Energy Applications, Atmosphere 2020, 11(3), 274.
72. Karathanasi
F., Karperaki A., Gerostathis
Th., Belibassakis K.A., 2020, Offshore-to-Nearshore
transformation of wave conditions and directional extremes with application to
port resonances in the bay of Sitia-Crete, Atmosphere 2020, 11(3), 280.
Filippas E., Papadakis, G., Belibassakis K.A.,
2020, Free-Surface Effects on the
Performance of Flapping-Foil Thruster for Augmenting Ship Propulsion in Waves,
Journal Marine Science & Engineering, 8(5), 357.
74. Magkouris A., Bonovas M.,
Belibassakis K.A, 2020, Hydrodynamic
Analysis of Surge-Type Wave Energy Devices in Variable Bathymetry by Means of
BEM , MDPI Fluids 5(2), 99.
Belibassakis K.A, Magkouris
A., Rusu E., 2020,
A BEM for the
hydrodynamic analysis of Oscillating Water Column systems in variable bathymetry, Energies 2020, 13(13), 3403.
76. Jamain J., Touboul J., Rey V., Belibassakis K., 2020, Porosity effects on the
dispersion relation of water waves through
dense array of vertical cylinders, J. Mar. Sci.
Eng. 2020, 8(12),
77. Malefaki I.,
Belibassakis K, 2021, A model
for performance estimation of flapping foil operating as biomimetic stream
energy device, J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 9(1), 21.
78. Laffitte, E., Rey,
V., Touboul J., Belibassakis K., 2021, Water
wave scattering by sinusoidal bed in the presence of vertically sheared current,
Applied Ocean Research 108, 102549.
79. Karperaki A., Belibassakis K.A., 2021, Hydroelastic analysis of Very Large Floating Structures in variablebathymetry regions
by multimodal expansions and FEM ,
Journal of Fluids & Structures
102, 103236.
80. Magkouris,
A Belibassakis K, Rusu E, 2021, Hydrodynamic Analysis of
Twin-Hull Structures Supporting Floating PV Systems in Offshore and Coastal
Regions, Energies 14 (18), 5979.
81. Anevlavi
D, Belibassakis K 2021, An
Adjoint Optimization Prediction Method for Partially Cavitating Hydrofoils,
J. Marine Science and Engineering 9 (9), 976.
82. Belibassakis
K., Filippas E., Papadakis G. 2022, Numerical and Experimental
Investigation of the Performance of Dynamic Wing for Augmenting Ship Propulsion
in Head and Quartering Seas, J. Marine Science and
Engineering 10, 24.
83. Filippas, E.S.; Belibassakis, K.A. 2022, A
nonlinear time-domain BEM for the performance of 3D flapping-wing thrusters in
directional waves. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 245 110157.
84. Ntouras D., Papadakis G. Belibassakis K., 2022,
Ship Bow Wings with Application
to Trim and Resistance Control in Calm Water and in Waves, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10(4), 492.
85. Afentoulis V. , Papadimitriou A., Belibassakis
K., Tsoukala V. 2022, A coupled model for sediment
transport dynamics and prediction of seabed morphology with application to 1DH
/2DH coastal engineering problems, Oceanologia Vol. 64, Issue 3, 514-534.
86. Bonovas M, Magkouris A, Belibassakis K, 2022, A Modified Mild-Slope Model for the Hydrodynamic
Analysis of Arrays of Heaving WECs in Variable Bathymetry Regions, MDPI Fluids 7 (6), 183.
87 Anevlavi D,
Belibassakis KA, 2022, Analysis of partially cavitating hydrofoils under the
free surface using BEM-based adjoint optimization, Applied Mathematical
Modelling, Vol. 112, 415-435.
88. Belibassakis K, Prospathopoulos
J, Malefaki I, 2022, Scattering and Directionality
Effects of Noise Generation from Flapping Thrusters Used for Propulsion of
Small Ocean Vehicles MDPI Journal of
Marine Science and Engineering 10 (8), 1129.
89. Malefaki I., Belibassakis K, 2022, A Novel FDTD–PML Scheme
for Noise Propagation Generated by Biomimetic Flapping Thrusters in the Ocean
Environment MDPI Journal of Marine
Science and Engineering 10(9), 1240.
90. Magkouris A., Belibassakis K, 2022, A Novel BEM–FEM Scheme for the Interaction of
Water Waves with Multiple Vertical Cylinders in the Presence of Currents MDPI
Fluids2022, 7(12), 378.
91. Magkouris A, E Rusu,
L Rusu, K Belibassakis, 2023, Floating Solar Systems with Application to Nearshore
Sites in the Greek Sea Region, Journal of
Marine Science and Engineering 11 (4), 722.
92. Belibassakis K, J Prospathopoulos,
2023, A 3d-BEM for underwater propeller noise propagation
in the ocean environment including hull scattering effects, Ocean Engineering 286, 115544 .
93. Magkouris A, M Bonovas, T Gerostathis, K Belibassakis, 2023, A 3D BEM Model for the Hydrodynamic
Analysis and Design of Heaving WEC Arrays Attached to a Breakwater. Sustainability 15 (17), 12777.
94. Anevlavi
D, Zafeiris S, Papadakis G, Belibassakis K, 2023, Efficiency Enhancement of
Marine Propellers via Reformation of Blade Tip-Rake Distribution, Journal of
Marine Science and Engineering 11 (11), 2179.
95. Alexandris -Galanopoulos
A, Papadakis G, Belibassakis K 2024, A semi-Lagrangian Splitting framework for the
simulation of non-hydrostatic free-surface flows, Ocean Modelling 187, 102290.
96. Gerostathis T, Magkouris A,
Belibassakis K 2024, A 3D BEM-Coupled Mode Model for the Performance Analysis of Wave Energy
Converter Parks in Nearshore-Coastal Regions Journal of
Marine Science and Engineering 12 (2), 212
97. Touboul, J.,
Morales-Marquez V,
Kostas Belibassakis K. 2024, A weakly nonlinear system for
waves and sheared currents over variable
bathymetry Journal of Marine Science
and Engineering, 12(3), 509
98. Anevlavi D., Filippas
E., Belibassakis K. 2024, A
GPU-accelerated 3dBEM supporting the optimization of
actively morphing flapping-foil thrusters with application to AUV
propulsion Ocean Engineering 300, 117513.
99. Mohapatra, S.C.; Guedes
Soares, C., Belibassakis, K. 2024, Current
Loads on a Horizontal Floating Flexible Membrane in a 3D Channel, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12(9), 1583.
100. Belibassakis, K., Rey V, 2024,
Estimation of
harbor and bay resonances by MMS-FEM model with application to the bay of
Toulon France, Oceanologia https://doi.org/10.5697/LOZC6742.
Magkouris A., Belibassakis, K. 2024, A Novel
BEM for the Hydrodynamic Analysis of Twin-Hull Vessels with Application to
Solar Ships, Journal of Marine Science and
Engineering 12(10), 1776.
102. Malara,
G., Arena F., Magkouris A., Belibassakis, K., 2024, Response and power output of U-Oscillating Water
Column operating in variable bathymetry regions, Journal of Ocean Engineering and
Marine Energy, in press.
β. Δημοσιεύσεις σε Διεθνη Επιστημονικα Συνεδρία
μετά από κρίση στο πλήρες κείμενο (CONFERENCE PAPERS)
Politis, G.K., Belibasakis, K.A., Nakos, D.,
1987, Panel Methods vs Vortex
Lattice Methods in
Marine Propeller Design, 4th International Congress
of the International Maritime Association of East Mediterranean, IMAEM’87,
Belibasakis, K.A., Politis, G.K.,
1989, Calculation of
Three Dimensional Potential Flows using Surface Vorticity
Distributions, 5th Int.
Conference on Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM'89,
Belibasakis, K.A., Politis, G.K.,
1989, Calculation of
Three Dimensional Lifting
Flows using Surface Vorticity
Distributions, 4th Int. Symp. on
Practical Design of
Ships, PRADS'89,
Politis, G.K., Belibasakis, K.A.,
1990, Application of
Panel Methods to
Linearized Lifting Surface
Propeller Performance Problem,
5th Intern Congress
on Marine Technology,
IMAEM'90, Athens, Greece.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A, 1997, The integrated software Amfitrite with application to hydroacoustic calculations
in the Greek Sea environment, 5th Hellenic Symposium of
Belibassakis, K.A., Politis,
G.K., Triantafyllou, M.S., 1997, Application of the Vortex Lattice Method to the
propulsive performance of a pair of oscillating wing-tails, Proc. 8th
Inter. Conf on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM’97, Rhodes, Greece.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 1997, Water wave Green function
for a 3D uneven-bottom problem with different depths at infinity, Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Computational Methods in Unbounded Domains,
Intern. Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Politis, K.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 1999, High propulsive efficiency
by a system of oscillating wing tails, 9th Inter. Conf. on Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM’99, Sorrento, Italy, 1999.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 1999, A coupled-mode
propagation/dissipation model of small-amplitude water waves over variable
bathymetry regions, Coastal
Engineering 99,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, Th., 2000, A coupled-mode theory for the diffraction of water
waves by localized scatterers over a
parallel-contour bathymetry, WAVES
2000 Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, organized by
SIAM and INRIA, Spain, June 2000.
Belibassakis K.A., Politis
G.K., 2002, Unsteady performance of propellers with
non-conventional blade geometry by a vorticity based panel method, 10th
Congress of International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, ΙΜΑΜ 2002, Rethymnon-Crete.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, Th., 2002, A coupled-mode model
for acoustic scattering by a general seafloor topography, 10th
Congress of International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, ΙΜΑΜ 2002, Rethymnon-Crete.
Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2002, Harmonic
generation past a generally shaped bottom profile, 10th Congress of International Maritime Association of the
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2002, A Coupled-Mode, Fully-dispersive,
Weakly-nonlinear Model for Water Waves over a General Bathymetry, 12th
Intern. Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition, ISOPE2002,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2002, A nonlinear coupled-mode
model for water waves over a general bathymetry, 21st International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Enginnering,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Stefanakos, Ch.N, 2002, Wave power
prediction in nearshore areas based on offshore wave information. A case study,
IASTED, Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2002),
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, 2003, Rapidly-convergent local-mode
representations for wave propagation and scattering in curved-boundary
waveguides, 6th Int.
Conference on Mathematical and
Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES 2003), organized by
SIAM and INRIA, Finland
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Georgiou Y., 2003, Transformation
of the Point Spectrum over Variable Bathymetry Regions, 13th
Intern. Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition, ISOPE2002,
Barstow, S., Mørk,
G., Lønseth L, Schjølberg,
P., Machado, U., Athanassoulis, G., Belibassakis, K.,
Gerostathis, T., Stefanakos,
Ch., Spaan, G., 2003, WORLDWAVES: High quality coastal and offshore
wave data within minutes for any global site, 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics
and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2003, Cancun, Mexico.
Belibassakis K.A. and Athanassoulis G.A., 2004,
responses of Very Large Floating Structures lying over variable bathymetry regions, 14th
Intern. Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition, ISOPE2004,
Belibassakis K.A. and Athanassoulis G.A., 2004, A
Coupled-Mode technique for wave-current interaction in variable bathymetry
regions, 14th Intern. Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition,
Belibassakis K.A. and Athanassoulis G.A., Hydroelastic behavior of floating
flexible plates on surface gravity waves with the effects of variable
bathymetry, 7th National Congress on Mechanics HSTAM 2004, June 24-26,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2004, Hydrodynamic analysis of floating bodies in variable
bathymetry regions, 1st Intern. Conference from Scientific Computing to
Computation Engineering IC-SCCE,
Belibassakis, K.A., Stephanakos, C.N, Bratsos, A., Prospathopoulos, A., 2004, Numerical
simulation of weakly nonlinear wave propagation in variable bathymetry regions, Intern. Conference of
Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
(ICNAAM 2004),
Belibassakis, K.A.,
2005, Hydrodynamic
Analysis of Floating Bodies in General Bathymetry, 24th International Conference on Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2005, Halkidiki,
Stefanakos, Ch., Belibassakis, K.A., 2005, Nonstationary Stochastic Modelling Of Multivariate
Long-Term Wind And Wave Data, 24th International Conference on Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2005, Halkidiki,
Gerostathis, T., Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis, G.A.,
2005, A
Coupled-Mode, Phase-Resolving Model For The Transformation Of Wave Spectrum Over Steep 3D
Topography. A Parallel-Architecture
Implementation, 24th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2005,
Belibassakis, K.A.,
2005, Propagation
of water waves through shearing currents in general bathymetry
International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, Maritime
Transportation and Exploitation of Ocean and Coastal Resources, IMAM2005,
Belibassakis, K.A., Hatzikostandis, G.K, Theotokatos
G,. Stefanakos Ch.N.,
Sarantopoulos S., Gerostathis Th., Georgiou Y.G, New challenges in the education of Naval Architects
in TEI of Athens, WSEAS Intern. Conference on Engineering Education,
Bratsos, A., Belibassakis, K.A., Natsis, D.G., Papadopoulos, D.P.,
2005, On the numerical modeling
of a shallow water equation, 17th IMACS World Congress on Scientific
Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, 11-15 July 2005, Paris, France
(paper T1-I-28-0176).
Bratsos A. G., Famelis I. Th. and K. A. Belibassakis,
2005, An implicit numerical method for a shallow
water equation in 2+1 dimensions, International Conference of Numerical
Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM2005, Rhodes, Greece, 16-20 Sept. 2005, Wiley-VCH, pp. 103-106.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2005, Nonlinear water-wave problem: A consistent
coupled-mode reformulation and derivation of families of travelling wave
solutions, 7th Int. Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of
Wave Propagation (WAVES 2005), Brown University, USA.
Belibassakis K.A. and Athanassoulis G.A., 2006, A
coupled mode technique for the run-up of non-breaking dispersive waves on plane
beaches, 25th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering, OMAE2006,
Xiros N.I., Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis G.A.,
2006, Modeling and
Assessment of the Underwater Acoustic Channel for Submerged End-Users
Positioning Information Transmission and Applications, 16th Intern.
Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition, ISOPE2006, San Fransisco.
Gkikas G.D., Xiros N.I., Athanassoulis
G.A. and Belibassakis K.A., 2006, A nonlinear model
for Oscillating Water Column analysis, design and control, 16th Intern.
Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition, ISOPE2006,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, T.,
2006, Wave data along ship routes in the Mediterranean
Sea, 9th Int Conf. on Stability od Ships and Ocean
Vehicles, STAB2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2006, A new unified theory for nonlinear steady travelling
waves in constant, but arbitrary, depth , 7th Intern. Conference on
Hydrodynamics, ICHD 2006,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, T., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2007, A phase-resolving, coupled-mode model for wave-current-seabed
interaction over steep 3D bottom topography. Parallel architecture
implementation, 17th Intern. Offshore and Polar Conference and Exhibition,
Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis, G.A., 2007, A coupled-mode technique for the prediction of wave-induced set-up in
variable bathymetry domains and groundwater circulation in permeable
beaches, 17th Intern. Offshore and Polar Conf. and Exhibition, ISOPE2007,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis,
T., Athanassoulis, G.A., 2007, Calculation
of wave-induced set-up in variable bathymetry regions and groundwater flow in
permeable beaches by a coupled-mode method, 8th HSTAM International
Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece.
Belibassakis K.A., Stefanakos,
C.N., Georgiou, Y., 2007, Extreme value predictions
on decreasing depth by means of a nonlinear wave transformation model, 26th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007, San Diego,
Belibassakis K.A., Th.P. Gerostathis and Athanassoulis
G.A., 2007, A coupled-mode technique for the
prediction of wave-induced set-up and mean flow in variable bathymetry domains
26th Int.
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007, San Diego,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis,
T., Athanassoulis, G.A., 2007, Wave-current systems in variable bathymetry regions,
12th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the
Mediterranean IMAM2007, Varna Boulgaria
Belibassakis, K.A., Chatzikostandis,
G, Georgiou Y., 2007, Optimisation of naval
technology for novel oil-spill combating technique, 12th International
Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean
IMAM2007, Varna Boulgaria.
Athanassoulis G.A., Belibassakis
K.A., 2008, A unified coupled-mode approach to
nonlinear waves in finite depth. Potential flow. 27th International Conference on Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2008,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis,
T., Athanassoulis, G.A., 2008, A weakly nonlinear couple-mode model for
wave-current-seabed interaction over general bottom topography, 27th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2008, Estoril,
Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis, G.A., 2008,
A coupled-mode approach to nonlinear waves in finite
depth. Viscous bottom boundary-layer flow, 8th Intern. Conference on Hydrodynamics, ICHD 2008,
Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2009, A fast convergent modal-expansion of
the wave potential with application to the hydrodynamic and hydroelastic
analysis of floating bodies in general bathymetry,28th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2009, Hawaii.
Belibassakis, K.A., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2009, A coupled-mode model with application to
wave scattering by VLFS or ice sheets of varying thickness over general bottom
topography , 5th Int. Conf. on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Southapton.
Politis, C, Ginnis, A., Kaklis, P.,
Belibassakis, K., Feurer, C., 2009, An isogeometric BEM for
exterior potential-flow problems in the plane.
Belibassakis, K., A
combined panel method / coupled-mode technique for the spatial evolution of
ship-generated wave systems over variable
bathymetry regions, 10th
International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2009,
Belibassakis, K., Gerostathis,
Th, Politis, C., Kaklis,
P., Ginnis, A., Mourkogianis,
D., 2009, A novel BEM-isogeometric
method with application to the wavemaking resistance
problem of bodies at constant speed. Intern. Maritime Association
Mediterranean Conference, IMAM 2009,
Belibassakis, K., 2009, Effects
of wave-induced ship motion on propeller-hull interaction with application to
fouling estimation and propulsion optimization. Internat. Maritime
Association Mediterranean Conference, IMAM 2009
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis,
Th.P., Athanassoulis, G.A.,
2010, A coupled-mode model for the transformation of wave systems over inhomogeneous sea/coastal environment, 29th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,
OMAE2010, Shanghai, China.
Belibassakis K.A. A coupled-mode model with application to the
prediction of long-waves
induced by short-wave groups, in general bathymetry
regions, 9th
HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics Limassol, Cyprus, 12 – 14 July, 2010
Belibassakis, K.A., 2010, Roll response of ship-hull sections in variable bathymetry
regions by a hybrid BEM - vortex particle method, 9th Intern. Conference on
Hydrodynamics, ICHD 2010,
Belibassakis, K., Gerostathis,
Th, Kostas, K., Politis, C., Kaklis,
P., Ginnis, A., Feurer, C.,
2011, A BEM-isogeometric
method with application to the wavemaking resistance
problem of ships at constant speed. 30th International Conference on
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011,
Belibassakis, K., 2011, Infragravity waves induced by short-wave groups in coastal
regions characterized by general bottom topography, 30th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, 2011, A fast-convergent
spectral method for wave propagation and scattering in non-uniform waveguides, 7th GRACM International Congress
on Computational Mechanics,
Belibassakis, K., 2011, A panel method based on vorticity
distribution for the calculation of free surface flows around ship hull
configurations with lifting bodies. Intern. Maritime Association
Mediterranean Conference, IMAM 2011,
Belibassakis, K., 2011, A coupled-mode model for water-wave
induced groundwater pressure and flow
in variable bathymetry regions and beaches. Intern. Maritime
Association Mediterranean Conference, IMAM 2011,
Belibassakis K.A., Georgiou Y., Athanassoulis G.A. 2012,
Interaction of Random Sea Waves with
Floating Structures in General
Bathymetry Regions, 22 International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Rhodes (ISOPE2012), Greece.
Belibassakis K.A., Politis,
G.K., 2012,
Analysis of Flapping Wing Systems for Augmenting Ship Propulsion in Rough Sea,
22 International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Rhodes (ISOPE2012), Greece.
Belibassakis K.A., Papathanasiou
Th., Filopoulos S.P, 2012, A fast-convergent
spectral method for harmonic wave propagation in inhomogeneous layered
waveguides, 22 International Offshore
and Polar Engineering Conference Rhodes (ISOPE2012), Greece.
Katsardi V., Boundris G., Tsoukala
VK., Belibassakis K.A., 2012, Study
of wave transformation due to flushing culverts in coastal structures, 22
International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Rhodes (ISOPE2012),
Belibassakis K.A., Politis,
G.K., 2012,
Roll stabilization by vertical thrust-producing flapping
wings using active pitch control ,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the
Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2012), 23-28 September 2012,
Belibassakis K.A.,
Athanassoulis G.A., Gerostathis
Th.P. 2013,
Hydroelastic analysis of
Very Large Floating bodies
over variable bathymetry regions , 10th
HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics Chania, Crete, Greece, 25 – 27 May,
69. Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis
G.A., Papathanasiou T.K. , Markolefas
S.I., Kokkinos Tr., 2013, A coupled-mode system
for shear deformable beams and plates of non-uniform thickness, 10th
HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics Chania, Crete, Greece, 25 – 27 May, 2013.
70. Filippas, E., Belibassakis K.A., 2013, Free surface
effects on hydrodynamic analysis of flapping foil thrusters in waves,
32th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and
Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013), June 9-14, 2013 - Nantes, France.
71. Katsardi V., Tsoukala VK., Belibassakis
K.A., 2013, Estimation of Wave Transmission through
Flushing Culverts in Breakwaters, 32th International Conference
on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013), June 9-14, 2013 -
72. Belibassakis K.A., Politis, G.K., Gerostathis Th.P. 2013, Calculation of ship hydrodynamic propulsion in rough
seas by non-linear BEM with application
to reduction of energy losses in waves,
32th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and
Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013),
June 9-14, 2013 - Nantes, France.
73. Katsardi V., Tsoukala VK., Belibassakis
K.A., 2013, 3D Wave Transformation through Openings
in Coastal Structures, 32th International Conference on Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013), June 9-14, 2013 -
Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis G.A., Papathanasiou Th., Filopoulos
S.P, 2013,
A coupled mode – hp FEM
for the hydroelastic analysis of shear-deformable
floating bodies of general thickness in variable bathymetry Computational Methods for Coupled
Problems in Science and Engineering V, 17-19 June 2013, Ibiza, Spain.
Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis,
G.A., Gerostathis Th.P., Katsardi V., 2013, Transformation
of wave conditions in nearshore and coastal areas by a 3D coupled-mode wave model Intern.
Maritime Association Mediterranean Conference, IMAM 2013,
76. Filippas, E., Belibassakis
K.A., 2013, A
boundary element method for the hydrodynamic analysis of flapping-foil thrusters operating beneath
the free surface and in waves, IMAM 2013, La Coruna, Spain.
Ginnis A.-A.I, Duvigneau R., Politis C., Kostas
K., Belibassakis K., Gerostathis T., Kaklis P.D., 2013, A
multi-objective optimization environment for ship-hull design based on a BEM-isogeometric solver, V International Conference on
Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE 2013), Hamburg, Germany.
Papathanasiou T.K., Belibassakis
K.A., 2014, Hydroelastic analysis of very large floating structures based on modal expansions and FEM,
Chondros, M., Katsardi, V., Tsoukala,
V.K., Belibassakis, K., 2014. Experimental
verification of a new 3D numerical model involving wave transformation through
flushing culverts, Proc. 3rd IAHR Europe Congress of
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research,
Porto, Portugal.
Belibassakis K.A., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2014, A coupled-mode method for acoustic propagation and
scattering in inhomogeneous waveguides, 33th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014), June 8-13,
2014, San Francisco CA.
Filippas, E., Belibassakis
K.A., 2014, Hydrodynamic
analysis of flapping-foil thruster operating in random waves, 33th
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
(OMAE2014), June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco CA.
C.G., Papagiannopoulos A., Belibassakis K.A., Kaklis P.D., Kostas K.V., Ginnis
A.I. Gerostathis T.P., 2014, An isogeometric BEM for
exterior potential-flow problems around lifting bodies, 11th
World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI & ECCM V & ECFD VI),
July 20-25, Barcelona, Spain.
, 2014, Design of flapping-foil thrusters for augmenting
ship propulsion in waves, Proc.2nd
International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (MARTECH 2014),
2014 Lisbon, Portugal.
, 2014, Flapping wing systems for
augmenting ship propulsion in waves by employing systematic data, active
control and exploiting hydroelastic effects, Proc. 9th International Conference on High-Performance Marine
Vehicles (HIPER 2014), 2014, Athens, Greece.
Makropoulos, Ch, Tsoukala, V.K., Belibassakis, K., Lykou A., Chondros M., Gourgoura P., Nikolopoulos D., 2014,
Managing flood risk in coastal cities through an
integrated modelling framework supporting stakeholders’ involvement: The case
of Rethymno, Crete, Proc.
E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28
June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, theNetherlands
, 2015, Active and passive
pitch-controlled flapping wing propulsors; Usage of the wake structure as
performance qualifier, Proceedings VI
International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE
2015) Conference, Rome Italy.
Karperaki A., Belibassakis
K.A., Markolefas, S., Papathanasiou
T.K., 2015, Higher-order FEM for
nonlinear hydroelastic analysis of a floating elastic
strip in shallow-water conditions, Proc. International
Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and
Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2015) 18 - 20 May 2015, Venice, Italy.
Belibassakis K.A. Athanassoulis,
G.A.,Karperaki A., Papathanasiou T.K., Propagation of acoustic-gravity waves in inhomogeneous
ocean environment based on modal expansions and hp-FEM, Proc. International
Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and
Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2015) 18 - 20 May 2015,
, 2015, Oscillating hydrofoils as energy devices operating
in waves and currents, 11th European Wave &
Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2015) Nantes, France.
Power absorption by arrays of wave energy converters
over variable bottom topography11th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2015)
, 2015, Hydrodynamic analysis of oscillating
hydrofoils in waves and currents, Proc. 16th
International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM2015), Pula
Belibassakis K.A., Touboul J., Rey V., 2016, On
the modeling of linear waves interacting with
in the presence of vertically sheared currents , Proc. 26th
Intern. Ocean & Polae Engineering Conference (ΙSOPE2016),
K.A., Molin
B., Kimmoun
O., 2016, Weakly nonlinear transformation
of wavegroups over variable bathymetry, Proc.
26th Intern. Ocean & Polae Engineering
Conference (ΙSOPE2016),
Papathanasiou T.K., Karperaki A., Belibassakis K.A., 2016, An efficient coupled-mode/FEM numerical method
for linear wave propagation over 3D variable bathymetry domains, Proc. 26th
Intern.Ocean & Polae
Engineering Conference
(ΙSOPE2016), Rhodes, Greece.
Belibassakis K.A., Xiros N., Politis, G., Filippas,
E., Aktosun E., Tsarsitalidis,
V., 2016, Identification of
Flapper Fin Oscillations for Active Flow Control Applications in Improved
Watercraft Propulsion, Proc. 26th Intern.Ocean
& Polae Engineering Conference (ΙSOPE2016), Rhodes, Greece.
marine energy devices in waves and sheared currents, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW2016) 24
- 26 October 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2016, A 3D-BEM coupled-mode method for WEC arrays in
variable bathymetry, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore
(RENEW2016) 24 - 26 October 2016,
98. , 2017, A BEM for calculating the effects of waves on WIG marine craft
performance Proc. 17th International Maritime Association of the
Mediterranean (IMAM2017),
99. 2017, Effect of chordwise
flexibility on flapping foil thruster performance by discrete vortex method , Proc.
17th International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM2017), Lisbon, Portugal.
100. Lamprinidis N., 2017, Ship weather routing focusing
on propulsion energy efficiency , Proc. 17th International
Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM2017),
Laffitte E., Simon B., Rey
V., Touboul J 2017, Wave-bottom-current
interaction, effects of the wave vorticity on the Bragg resonance, Proc. 17th International Maritime Association of the
Mediterranean (IMAM2017),
Bonis I., Koubogiannis D.G., Priovolos A., Belibassakis K., 2017 Optimization of Flapping
Foil Motion in Ship Propulsion for Maximum Thrust Augmentation, ASHRAE EinT2017 – 2nd International Conference “ENERGY
in TRANSPORTATION 2017” Athens, October 2017.
Papathanasiou TK, Karperaki A, Belibassakis KA, 2017, Finite element simulation
of long wave impact on floating breakwaters with variable stiffness, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Engineering 276 (1), 012022.
Belibassakis K., 2018, A velocity-based BEM for modeling generation and propagation of
underwater noise from marine propellers, Proc. Euronoise
2018, Hersonissos Crete.
Athanassoulis, G., Belibassakis K., Gerostathis,
Th., Prospathopoulos, A., 2018, A software tool for estimating
shipping noise footprint with application to South Adriatic – Ionian sea, Proceedings
Euronoise 2018, Hersonissos Crete.
Papathanasiou T.K, Belibassakis
KA, 2018, Resonances of floating structures in enclosed shallow water basins, Proc. of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference
on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2018,
Belibassakis KA, Politis,
G., 2019, Generation and propagation of noise from cavitating marine propellers, 6th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors smp’19, Rome, Italy, May 2019.
108. Anevlavi D., Filippas E. S., Karperaki A., Belibassakis K. A., 2019, Hydroelastic
modelling of flapping foils operating as
flow and wave energy devices, Proc. 13 European Wave and Tidal Energy
Conference, EWTEC 2019, Naples, Italy.
109. Koutsogiannakis P., Filippas E. S.,
Belibassakis K. A., 2019, A
GPU-accelerated method for the
hydrodynamic analysis of a biomimetic
flapping foil device for marine energy
extraction. Proc. 13 European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, EWTEC 2019,
110. Papadakis G., Filippas E.S., Douras D.,
Belibassakis K. A., Effects of viscosity and nonlinearity on
3Dflapping-foil thruster for marine applications,
Proc. Oceans 2019, Marseille, France.
111. Belibassakis K. A., Bonovas M., 2019, WEC performance and
optimization in variable bathymetry regions, Proc. 18th Int.l Maritime Association of the Mediterranean Conf.
(IMAM2019), Varna, Bulgaria.
112. Belibassakis K. A.,
Kegkeroglou A., 2019, A nonlinear BEM for the ship
wave resistance, Proc. 18th Int.l Maritime
Association of the Mediterranean Conf. (IMAM2019), Varna, Bulgaria.
113. Belibassakis K. A.,
Touboul J., 2019, A novel coupled-mode model for
waves propagating in variable bathymetry in the presence of sheared currents,
Proc. 18th Int.l Maritime Association of the
Mediterranean Conf. (IMAM2019),
114. Belibassakis, K.A., 2020, Augmenting ship propulsion in waves by flapping-foil
thrusters, Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Maritime Technology and Engineering MARTECH2020,
16-19 Nov.2020, Lisbon Portugal.
115. Belibassakis, K.A., Magkouris A., 2020, A BEM for the performance of
surge-type wave energy devices in variable bathymetry,
Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Maritime Technology and Engineering MARTECH2020,
16-19 Nov.2020, Lisbon Portugal.
116. Belibassakis K, Bleuanus
S, Vermeiden J, Townsend N, 2021, Combined performance of
innovative biomimetic ship propulsion system in waves with Dual Fuel ship engine
and application to short-sea shipping, 31st International Ocean and
Polar Engineering Conference ISOPE2021.
117. Belibassakis K, Touboul J, 2021, Propagation of waves in
variable bathymetry in the presence of sheared currents by means of
coupled-modes, l31st International Ocean and Polar Engineering
Conference ISOPE2021.
118. Anevlavi D, Belibassakis K., 2021, Prediction Model for Partially
Cavitating Hydrofoils based on Sensitivity Derivatives, MARINE 2021 CIMNE Conference 2-4 June 2021.
119. Malefaki I.,
Anevlavi D, Belibassakis K., 2021, Analysis of biomimetic stream
energy device based on flapping foils, MARINE 2021 CIMNE Conference 2-4 June 2021.
120. Belibassakis K, Vermeiden J., Oster A., 2021, Development and testing of
biomimetic dynamic-foil thruster for augmenting ship propulsion in waves,
Oceans 2021, San-Diego – Porto 20-23 Sep.2021
121. Belibassakis, K., Magkouris
A., Rusu, E., 2021, Simulation and performance
evaluation of OWC Device Operating in Coastal Regions,
17th Int.Conf. Environmental Science &
Technology, CEST 2021 Athens, Greece.
122. Belibassakis K, Malefaki
I., 2021, Noise generation and
propagation by biomimetic dynamic-foil thruster, Euronoise 2021
Oct.2021, Madeira-Portugal.
123. Magkouris A, A Karperaki, K Belibassakis 2022, A coupled BEM-FEM scheme for the interaction of water
waves with multiple vertical cylinders in the presence of currents
Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies 59-66, IMAM2022.
124. Anevlavi D, K
Belibassakis 2022, Flapping-foil thruster design with optimal flexural
rigidity profile based on a coupled BEM-FEM model,
Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies, 389-396
125. Anevlavi D, K Belibassakis
2022, Effects on partially cavitating hydrofoils in finite
submergence depth via an adjoint-based prediction method, ,
Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies, 141-149
126. Malefaki I, A Karperaki, K Belibassakis 2022, Modelling underwater noise propagation emitted from
oscillating lifting surfaces, Sustainable
Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies, 193-200, IMAM2022.
127. Ventikos NP, P Sotiralis, EV Stamatopoulou, E Annetis, E Filippas, Operational and economic assessment of the
flapping-foil thruster propulsion innovation performance,
Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering Volume 1, 563-570, MARTECH2022.
128. Anevlavi D, K
Belibassakis 2022, An adjoint optimization method for partially
cavitating hydrofoils with free-surface effects
Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering Volume 1, 291-300, MARTECH2022.
129. Magkouris A, KA
Belibassakis, E Filippas, 2022, A 3D BEM for the propagation of water waves scattered
by arrays of vertical cylinders in the presence of currents,
Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering Volume 1, 381-389 MARTECH 2022
130. Magkouris A, KA
Belibassakis, E Filippas 2022, A 3D BEM for the propagation of water waves scattered
by arrays of vertical cylinders in the presence of currents,
Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering Volume 1, 381-389 MARTECH2022
131. Anevlavi D, E Filippas, A Karperaki, K
Belibassakis, 2022,Optimization of a Flexible Flapping-Foil Thruster
Based on a Coupled BEM-FEM ModelInternational Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering (OMAE2022) 85901
132. Malefaki I, A Karperaki, K Belibassakis, 2022, Noise Generation and Propagation From Flapping-Foil Thrusters
Used for Marine Propulsion, Int. l Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering (OMAE2022) 85901
133. Belibassakis KA, ES Filippas,
2022, A Dynamical System for the Combined Performance of
Innovative Biomimetic Thruster With Standard Propulsion System in Waves,Int. Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering 85901 (OMAE2022).
134. Perera LP, K
Belibassakis, E Filippas, M Premasiri,
2022, Advanced Data Analytics Based Hybrid Engine-Propeller
Combinator Diagram for Green Ship Operations,
Int. Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
85895 (OMAE2022)
135. Magkouris A, K
Belibassakis, 2022, A 3D BEM-CMS scheme for the hydrodynamic analysis of
floating structures supporting PV systems in general seabed topography,
Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore, 727-734
Belibassakis K, M Bonovas, A Magkouris
2022,Hydrodynamic analysis of WEC array
in variable bathymetry regions by a simplified mild-slope model, Trends in Renewable Energies
Offshore, 359-366, RENEW2022.
Belibassakis K.,[1], J. Vermeiden, N. Townsend, N. Bulten, A.
Öster, 2022, Flapping-foil thrusters augmenting ship propulsion in
waves, Int.Conf. Transport Research Arena (TRA2022) 14-17 Nov
2022, Lisbon, Portugal (to appear in Transportation Research Procedia,
138. Anevlavi D,
E Filippas, A Karperaki, K
Belibassakis, 2023, Hydroelastic analysis of
flapping-Foil thrusters using a partitioned BEM-FEM, EURODYN2023 7th
International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2-5 July 2023, Delft,
139. Anevlavi D., E.S. Filippas, and
K.A. Belibassakis, 2023, Energy-minimizing kinematics for actively morphing
flapping-foil thrusters, SOME2023 8th International Symposium on Ship
Operations, Management & Economics, 7-8 March 2023, Athens.
140. Bonovas, M., Magkouris, A.,
Belibassakis, K. 2023, Effects of control strategies on the
performance of floating WEC point absorbers operating attached to a breakwater
by time-domain simulator. Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy (EWTEC) Conference,
3-7 September 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
141. Magkouris, A., Belibassakis, K. 2023,
Performance of photovoltaic systems supported by twin-hull floating structures
in offshore and coastal regions. Proceedings of the XII International
Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN) 2-5 July
2023 Delft, The Netherlands.
142. Perera LP, K Belibassakis, 2023. Energy-Efficient Marine Engine and
Dynamic Wing Evaluation Under Laboratory Conditions to Achieve Emission
Reduction Targets in Shipping, International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and
Arctic Engineering 8687
Belibassakis K, 2023, Augmenting ship propulsion in waves by flapping-foil
thrusters SOME2023 8th International Symposium on
Ship Operations, Management & Economics, 7-8 March 2023, Athens.
144. Liarokapis D, G Trachanas, G Grigoropoulos, K Belibassakis, 2024, Conducting tests using large-scale, self-propelled
models at sea, MARTECH2024, Advances in Maritime Technology and Engineering: Volume
2, 149/
Gerostathis T, A Magkouris,
K Belibassakis, 2024, Wave energy converter arrays performance in variable
water depth regions, MARTECH2024,Advances in Maritime Technology and Engineering: Volume 2,
Belibassakis K., Magkouris A., Malara G., Arena F., 2024, Response of a U-Oscillating Water Column installed
in a variable bathymetry region, Proc. Proc ISOPE-2024 Paper-TPC-0195.
Belibassakis K.,
2024, A vortex-element method for the calculation of
waves and ship motions effects on propeller performance, Proc ISOPE-2024 Paper-TPC-0238.
σε Διεθνη Επιστημονικα Συνεδρία με κρίση από την περίληψη (CONFERENCE PAPERS)
Athanassoulis, A.M. Prospathopoulos and K.A. Belibassakis, 1996, A normal-mode solution for 3D acoustic scattering from a
cylindrical island, Proceedings 3rd
European Conference on Underwater Acoustics,
Athanassoulis and K.A.
Belibassakis, 1996, Three-dimensional acoustic scattering of a
source-generated field
from an axisymmetric obstacle of general vertical section in a
waveguide, Proceedings 3rd European
Conference on Underwater Acoustics,
The ‘Amfitriti’ group,
National Technical University of Athens, 1996, The
integrated software AMFITRITI and its application to the calculation of
Transmission Losses in the Aegean Sea environment, Proceedings of the
Intern. Conference Circuits, Systems and
Computers 96,
Belibassakis, K.A., Prospathopoulos,
I.M., Voutsinas, S.G., Numerical
modelling of noise propagation in the atmospheric environment and application
to wind energy installation,
Proceedings of European Wind
Energy Conference, EWEC’97,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Development and study of the Green’s function for water
waves over variable bathymetry domains, Intern. Symposium WAVES’98, Ocean Wave Kinematics, Dynamics and Loads on
Structures, American Society of Civil
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Livaditi, E.L., An enhanced
coupled-mode theory for sound propagation over an arbitrary bottom topography,
4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics
Prospathopoulos, I.M.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Voutsinas, S.G., 1999, Numerical modelling
of propagation of noise emitted from wind parks, Proceedings of European Wind Energy Conference, EWEC 99,
Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, Th., 2000, A coupled-mode theory for the scattering of acoustic
waves from localized 3D scatterers superimposed over
a parallel contour bathymetry , 5th
European Conference
on Underwater Acoustics, Lyon 2000
G.A., Belibassakis, K.A., 2000, Nonlinear water wave
problems over a general bathymetry: A unified theory, Proceedings of “Rogue
Waves 2000”, organised by IFREMER,
10. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2001, Nonlinear water wave
problems over a general bathymetry: A unified variational approach,
Proceedings of the Intern. Conference Progress in Nonlinear Science,
11. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Kanellopoulos, J., 2002, A coupled-mode model for the solution to the time-harmonic
Maxwell's equations in a curved
waveguide of rectangular cross section, 2nd European
Symposium Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics, JEE’2002, Toulouse 2002.
12. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2002, A consistent coupled-mode theory for
underwater sound propagation in a general, stratified acoustic environment,
6th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Gdansk 2002.
13. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Dougalis, V. A., Kampanis
N.A and D. A. Mitsoudis, 2002, Simulation of underwater sound propagation
in a general stratified environment by a coupled mode and a finite element
method, Forum Acusticum, 3rd
European Congress on Acoustics, European Acoustics Association, Sevilla
14. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., 2002, A coupled-mode theory for
underwater sound propagation in a stratified environment. Comparison of results and
validation vs. a finite element method, ACOUSTICS 2002, Hellenic Institute of
15. Barstow S, Mørk G, Lasse Lønseth, Peter Schjølberg,
Gerassimos Athanassoulis,
Kostas Belibassakis, Theodore Gerostathis and Gerard Spaan, 2003, WORLDWAVES: High
quality coastal and offshore wave data within minutes for any global site, COPEDEC VΙ, 2003
16. Steve Barstow,
Gunnar Mørk, Lasse Lønseth,
Peter Schjølberg, Ulla B. Machado, Gerassimos Athanassoulis, Kostas
Belibassakis, Theodore Gerostathis and Gerard Spaan, 2003, WORLDWAVES: High quality coastal and offshore
wave data within minutes for any global site, Coasts and Ports 2003,
17. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, Th., 2006, Long-term wind and wave data for Port & Harbour
Engineering: Exploiting existing offshore data and numerical models to get a
timely, site-specific nearshore analysis, 5th Hellenic
Conference of Port Engineering, Athens November 2006 (in Greek).
18. Belibassakis, K.A.,
Gerostathis, T., Athanassoulis,
G.A., 2008, Wave-current-seabed interaction over
general bottom topography, Coastal Technology Workshop, COAST2008, 29-30 May 2008, Trondheim
19. Athanassoulis, G.A.,
Belibassakis, K.A., Gerostathis, T., 2013, Offshore to nearshore wave spectrum transformation, taking into account wave – current –
seabed interaction. 2012 Intern. Conference on Advances in Coupled Systems
Mechanics (ACEM'12),
20. ,
2014, Biomimetic flapping foil thrusters for augmenting ship propulsion in
waves, Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology Πρακτικά Ετήσιας Συνάντησης Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας
2014, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας,
Ευγενίδειο Ιδρυμα 18-19 Νοεμβρίου.
21. Karperaki
A., Belibassakis K.A., Papathanasiou T.K., 2015, Propagation of acoustic-gravit
wavs in inhomogeneous ocean environment generated by sea-bottom deformation,
Proc. 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational
Mechanics GRACM 2015
22. Marine
propulsion in waves by flapping foil systems, Proc.
8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics GRACM 2015 Volos,
12 July – 15 July 2015, Greece.
Systems Operating as Marine Energy Devices in Waves and Sheared Currents,
11th HSTAM Intern. Congress on Mechanics, 27-30 May 2016,
Athanassoulis, G.A., 2016, Performance of Arrays of Wave Energy Converters
Operating in Variable Bathymetry Regions, 11th HSTAM Intern.
Congress on Mechanics, 27-30 May 2016,
Karperaki A., Papathanasiou
T.K., Belibassakis K.A., 2016,A Coupled-Mode System for the Near-Trapping of Water Waves
in the Presence of Variable Bathymetry, 11th HSTAM Intern.
Congress on Mechanics, 27-30 May 2016,
26.Numerical Simulation of Flapping Foil Propulsion,
11th HSTAM Intern. Congress on Mechanics, 27-30 May 2016,
Koubogiannis D.G., Bonis
I., Priovolos A., Belibassakis K., 2018,
Multi-objective optimization of flapping foil system for thrust augmentation of
ship propulsion, Proc. 9th GRACM International Congress on Computational
Mechanics, Chania June 2018.
Iliopoulos D., Πρακτικά Ετήσιας Συνάντησης Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας
2018, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας,
Ευγενίδειο Ιδρυμα 4-5 Δεκεμβρίου.
, Development and testing of
biomimetic dynamic wing to augment ship propulasion
in moderate and higher sea states", συνέδριο ΕΛΙΝΤ2022, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας,
Ευγενίδειο Ιδρυμα, Νοέμβριος 2022.
30. Anevlavi D.,
E.S. Filippas, and K.A. Belibassakis, “Hydrodynamic
optimization of actively deforming flapping-foil thrusters for AUV propulsion”,
EUROGEN2023 15th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic
Methods for Design, Optimization and Control, 1–3 June 2023, Chania,
& Presentations
1. Johnsen
H., Kallos G., Krogstad H., Athanassoulis
G., Barstow S., Heiberg H., Carretero J.C., Chapron B., Queffeulou P., Morales G., Emmanouil
G., Galanis G., Gerostathis
T.P., Belibassakis K.A., Stefanakos C.N., Croize-Fillon D,
2005, Development and Application of
Validated Geophysical Ocean Wave Products from ENVISAT ASAR and RA-2
Instruments παρουσιάσθηκε ως Poster στο 4th EuroGOOS
Conference EuroGoos'2005, Brest June 2005, France, και στο WAVES'2005, Madrit July 2005, Spain.
2. Papathanasiou Th, Karperaki, A., Theotokoglou E., Belibassakis,K.
2014, Hydroelastic analysis
of ice shelves under long wave excitation, EGU 2014-819.
3. Touboul,
J., Belibassakis K., Rey V. 2015, 2D
Propagation of Water Waves in the Presence of Vorticity, EGU2015-3592.
4. Laffitte E., Belibassakis K., Bruno S., Rey V., Touboul J., 2016, Influence of a constant vorticity on the
Bragg resonance phenomenon Vol. 18, EGU2016-8228.
5. Belibassakis K.,
2019, Energy-Saving
Devices, NTUA presentation June 2019.
6. Spyrou K, Belibassakis K., 2021, Presentation of NTUA targeted research (ship theory,
design and operation), Marine Technology SNAME, July 2021 issue.
7. Touboul
J, Belibassakis K, 2020, A new model for the
three-dimensional propagation of water waves in the presence of vertically
sheared, horizontally varying currents, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts,
8. Alexandris-Galanopoulos
A, Belibassakis K, 2023, A Semi-Lagrangian
solver for the free surface Euler system with application to rotational wave
EGU General Assembly 2023.
Κεφαλαια σε
Συλλογικές εκδοσεις & αναφορές (CHAPTERS IN BOOKS AND REPORTS)
R. (chairman), Athanassoulis, G.A., Boonstra, H., Brok,A.K., Cardone, A.J., Daley, C., Haver, S., Hrayama, T., Kujala, P., Litonov, O., Olagnon, M., Schlacter, G. (members), and Belibassakis, K. (associate),
1997, Report of Committee I.1: Environment, T. Moan & S. Berge (Eds) Proceedings of the 13th
International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress (ISSC), Cambridge,
Pergamon, Vol. 1, pp. 1-58
2. Kaklis
P.D., Politis C.G., Belibassakis K.A., Ginnis A.I., Kostas K.V., Gerostathis
Th.P., 2016, Boundary-Element
Methods and Wave Loading on Ships, to appear in the second edition
of the Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics.
Edited by Erwin Stein, Rene de Borst and Thomas J.R. Hughes. \
3. Pelinovsky E, Belibassakis K,
Touboul J (Editors), 2017, Foreword to special
issue on Rogue Waves, Journal of
Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 3 (4), 297-299.
4. Soukissian T, F Karathanasi, K Belibassakis, H Kontoyiannis,
2020, Marine Renewable Energy in the Greek Seas The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry book series Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
5. Soukissian T, H Kontoyiannis, F Karathanasi, K
Belibassakis, 2020, The Aegean Sea: Wind Waves and Tides The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry book series,
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
6. Rusu
E, K Belibassakis, G Lavidas, 2023, Marine Renewable Energy, MDPI-books
Σημειωσεις - Εργασιεσ
Μπελιμπασάκης, 1992, Μη μόνιμα φαινόμενα ροής κατά
τη λειτουργία της έλικας πίσω από το πλοίο, Διδ.Διατριβή, Τμήμα Ναυπηγών
Μηχ/γων Μηχ. ΕΜΠ
Γ.Α. Αθανασούλη,
Κ.Α. Μπελιμπασάκη, 2002, Κυματικά Φαινόμενα στο Θαλάσσιο
Περιβάλλον, Σημειώσεις μαθήματος Ροή ΙΙΙ - ΔΠΜΣ στην Ναυτική και
Θαλάσσια Τεχνολογία και Επιστήμη, ΕΜΠ (Wave Phenomena in the Sea Environment – Lecture Notes).
Αθανασούλη, Κ.Α. Μπελιμπασάκη, 2012, Δυναμική Πλοίου, Σημειώσεις Mαθήματος, Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχ/γων Μηχανικών, ΕΜΠ (Ship Dynamics – Lecture Notes).
Μεγάλες πλωτές κατασκευές – VLFS & Megafloats
(κείμενο απο Διπλ.Εργ. Μ.Καλαράκη)
5. Wave-Current-Seabed interaction and
application to novel marine energy systems WCS-marnew (reference list)
6. Ε. Φίλιππας, 2019, Hydrodynamic
analysis of ship and marine biomimetic systems in waves using GPGPU programming,
Διδ.Διατριβή, Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχ/γων Μηχ. ΕΜΠ.
7. Φ. Καραθανάση, 2020, Probabilistic
modelling of linear and directional wind and wave data with applications to the
marine environment, Διδ.Διατριβή, Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχ/γων Μηχ. ΕΜΠ
8. Α. Καρπεράκη, 2021, Hydroelastic
interaction between ocean waves and large floating structures in the
inhomogeneous ocean environment, Διδ.Διατριβή, Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχ/γων Μηχ. ΕΜΠ
9. Δ. Ανεβλαβή, 2024, Hydro-elastic
analysis of flapping foils by a coupled BEM-FEM with application to marine
energy extraction devices, Διδ.Διατριβή, Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχ/γων Μηχ. ΕΜΠ